Okay, well, it's hard to pick just one, but this one is a worthy candidate for the top slot.
There are so many great TV themes from the 60's alone, but not only is this an awesome piece of music, with it's rhythmic catchiness and memorable melody, but as a kid, I really loved the comedy and in particular the character performances highlighted on this program.
It's "Get Smart"! Please check out my vid. highlighting more about this below...enjoy! Thanks.
#thesoundofmonday #favoriteTVtheme #getsmart #melbrooks #buckhenry #donadams #1960scomedy #televisioncomedy #tvcomedy #berniekoppel #favetvtheme #catchy #melodic #chamberpop #electricguitar #guitarriff #hornriff #greattvtheme #davejayfromnyc #davejay #davejaygerstein #maxwellsmart #charactercomedy #kaos #control #edplatt #barbarafeldon #agent86