Happy 83rd Birthday, Ringo!
Here's a li'l micro-content taste to help celebrate Ringo's Birthday, featuring our latest single, "Happy Birthday, Babe!"...enjoy!
Please listen, save, share, and/or download "Happy Birthday, Babe!" here:
Thanks very much!

#thesoundofmonday #ringostarr #ringo #thebeatles #beatles #aging #happybday #agegracefully #aginggracefully #bday #happybirthdaybabe #newsingle #single #allpurposebirthdaysong #allpurpose #bdaysong #birthdaysong #sendtofriends #sharewithfriends #sharewithfamily #microcontent #celebrate #celebratebday #celebratebirthday #celebratebirthdays
Here's a li'l micro-content taste to help celebrate Ringo's Birthday...enjoy!
Please listen, save, share, and/or download "Happy Birthday, Babe!" here:
Thanks very much!