From the vaults! "Quick Ear Warmer" is our new EP, out TODAY!

Presenting our collection of four upbeat J'Blammo Pop (our own genre!) tunes, recorded in 2003, produced by Danny Weinkauf, bass player with They Might Be Giants, and Charles Newman for Mother West.
I wrote these tunes in a very different episode of my life, rife with uncertainty, insecurity, anger, and a huge dose of whimsy and humor as resident coping mechanisms.
My friend Danny offered to produce the tracks as a "real world" experience, wherein producers routinely change your songs around, write new parts, delete existing sections, etc., and I was game. BUT, after he made a bunch of changes to three songs ("Dead Weight", "The Keeper of the Mood", & "Hey, Inconsiderate!"), I got self conscious, as I had grown so close to the way the songs had been. As a result, I endeavored to write a 4th song that encompassed everything I'd gleaned from Danny's approach to the other three. This final song is the title track, "Quick Ear Warmer", and I am proud to report, that other than a few audio effects, no changes were made to this arrangement. Huzzah! Minor ego victory.
Please check it out and let us know what you think...enjoy!
Photo: Korbman & Co. Photography
#thesoundofmonday #mondayssound #davejayfromnyc #guitarriffs #dannyweinkauf #motherwest #songwriting #2000spoprock #riffs #elviscostello #xtc #heyinconsiderate #quickearwarmer #deadweight #thekeeperofthemood #gymmusic #upliftingmusic #senseofhumor #whimsy #campoutmusic #newep #weezer #barenakedladies #jblammopopmusic #indiepoprock #korbmanandcompany #epiphone